18-20/11 I´ve Got The Power – Lifedancing Workshop, Munchen

the-life-of-pi-sourceIn November 18-20, I will come back to Munich with the Lifedancing workshop I´ve Got The Power.
I´m happy and excited to explore the topic of power with you.
We will connect with the power within, we will express our power with free dance and movement – and maybe take a little look at what might hold our power back.

If you feel inspired by the topic, or simply feel called to dance, connect with Yashodhara for information and registration.
Make sure to get your early bird offer before October 5.
More info. in the attached flyer below.

There is a possibility to stay at the workshop place for 10 €/night.
We can also arrange for you to be picked up.
Connect with Yashodhara Van Vilsteren for registration and information: yashovan1@hotmail.com http://www.komm-dir-naeher.de/

Maybe I´ll see you in Munich, or maybe some other time, at some other dance floor.
Keep moving!

Yours always,

2017-09-19T08:47:50+00:00 november 7th, 2016|